Oh Christmas Tree...
So yesterday we went and cut down our tree. I have now realized that my pickiness in trees has rubbed off on my almost 7 year old daughter.... and I am LOVING it!! And to the man that marries her - just be patient - eventually she will find the right tree!! It may be about 30+ minutes of looking - but in the long run - it will be worth every minute spent!!
I also realized that my son is now getting older. He actually volunteered to cut down the tree. Of course he just knicked the tree with the saw, but hey, it was worth a try!!
I did something different this year. I normally fill my tree with every gingerbread I can possibly find. But something told me to just try something new! So I did. All of my precious ornaments are way up on the top... and all of the ones that I don't mind if the kids play with are on the bottom. Atop is the star that came from Bob's grandma/pa Koppa. Along with Benny. We think of you all of the time. And every year you and grandma/pa Koppa are at the top of my tree. Along with the little arthur ornament for Grandpa Hilber. Then there is one of the ornaments that came from my grandpa. Such precious ornaments. It just wouldn't be a tree without all of these.